O Apollo,
From such great heights thy prying eyes
square us lowly beings and find much lacking.
Your chariot guides us skillfully.
At first, through solid things
but abandons us
upon the gates of being.
Naked, we begin to dance.
Ecstatic, we've drunk the mysteries.
It's from you we flee
but to you our dance is addressed.
What form will you take
since our dancing begot much offense?
What knots will you tie us in
as we seek purity before a naked god?
Behold it begins, once again.
Our souls recall but bodies virgin.
Let us seek your flaming wisdom
but not forget our fleshy claim.
For you we think,
against you we pray.
Some housekeeping:
Lane here,
I’ve been writing almost full-time for Brave Fixers lately so if you live in Chicago or just have an interest in entrepreneurship or seeing what I’m up to, you should check us out.
Writing content for a company is so much different than writing for creative projects. It feels like the deepest rabbit hole I’ve ever gone through trying to apply a systems approach to getting organic attention online.
It took a while for me to see that being systemic is a must but you can’t think of social media as something with irreducible parts. It’s a living collection of people, just as irrational as ever.
I haven’t cracked the code yet, but eventually I’ll have a proper living collection of people to email. So, check out Brave Fixers.
Lanehuitt.com is alive.
All of my fictional content is getting erased from Substack and sent to the read section of my website. My goal is to create a novel way to read that content which is free from distracting website features and feels like the vintage internet.
It’ll probably take me a few years to finish that.
More incoming.